
Friday, June 11, 2010

Find it on Etsy Friday {{mustache}}

I was inspired for this weeks FIND IT ON ETSY FRIDAY theme by 
Mr. Clark Winegar of MUSTACHE POWER
(he did all the video-ing and live streaming at the Casual bloggers conference)
 Take a look at his awesome business cards...
one side awesome mustache...
 Yes that is the totally adorable BECCA from Blue Cricket Designs
( it's fine we can all hate her for being so stinkin cute...j/k I {Heart} her)
 other side rockin business card!
Here are my AWESOME MUSTACHE Etsy finds:

**check back in two weeks for an all new find it on etsy Friday theme**


  1. Oh man, this post is too awesome, but just so you know, mustaches on a stick are just phase one of my mustache world domination plan. Look for more mustache power coming soon to other events near you.

  2. this post is awesome! Thanks again for putting my trip set of mustache mugs in there. Your blog rocks! xoxo

  3. I love mustache things right now. They are so in. And I love Becca's blog too she is so darling. I will have to remember Clark for my work's next event.


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