
Thursday, June 24, 2010

{{Guest Blogger}} Melissa Davis Photography

Today I welcome a photographer who's work I just LOVE!
Melissa is here today to share some photo tips with us!! YA!
Be sure to leave a comment and thank her for all her great advice!

Hey! I'm Melissa, a photographer from Pleasant Grove, Utah! I love photography and am always super excited when I get the chance to photograph people!
If you want to take a peek, you can find my website HERE. Excuse the site is not 100% done yet, but it's in the works! BUT my BLOG is fully working if you'd rather peek at that!
I'm excited to be guest posting today...who wouldn't be, Love Stitched is such a CUTE blog! I'll be posting some simple photography tips for the every day mom!
First things first, everyone always says you need a "good" camera to get good pictures and I disagree! Does it help? SURE...but if you follow these simple tips, you can get great images with even your little point and shoot camera! YEP, it's TRUE!
Turn off that flash and find the light! If you are
INSIDE, find a big window and open up the shades! Place your subject (most likely your kiddo) facing the window just out side of the harsh sun coming in. You should get nice even lighting across their face!
If you are OUTSIDE, head for open shade! I LOVE open shade because you have great light and don't have to worry about harsh shadows! The best times for great lighting outside are an hour after sunrise and an hour before sun set. I LOVE setting sun photos with that gorgeous warm lighting!
2. Check your BACKGROUND
Even if you are just taking snaps inside your house, take a moment to unclutter the room. It's surprising how many times I used to pull up images on my computer and there were socks or toys sticking out of body parts LOL! If you are outside, watch for garbage cans, cars, people, etc. Pretty soon, every time you take a picture you'll notice those things and quickly throw them out of the way or move around them!
quick example...My adorable little daughter was playing outside. This snap of her IS cute, but with the van behind, it's just that...a cute snap.
I moved her over a few feet to cut out the van and I got this:
3. Rule of thirds
This is a big one! The way you set up an image can take it from a boring snap shot into a great image! The main focus (so lots of time the eyes) should fall in the top 1/3 or really anywhere besides smack dab in the middle.There ARE of course exceptions to this rule, but it's a starting point!

Those are just a few things!! For more photo taking tips, check out the Q&A section on my photography BLOG!

Thanks so much for letting me share a little bit of what I know with you all!

Wow thank you so much Melissa for these great tips!!!
I know these will help so many people turn everyday snapshots into more :) 
Don't forget to thank Melissa and leave her some comment LOVE!!!


  1. I am so glad to hear about the camera. I always stress I need the top of the line when I only take pics of my kiddos. I will use these tips all the time. thank you!

  2. wow, thank you for the tips! I am always trying to take better pics of my kids!

  3. I whole heartedly agree with Tip #2. Just last night my family and I whipped out the photo albums and all I could see was the random things in the background. It drove me CRAZY!

    Thanks for all the great tips!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE to hear from you I always read each and every one of them. :) If you ask a question I will try answer back through email if it is attached to your profile, as always email is the best way to reach me! :)