
Monday, July 05, 2010

{{Guest Blogger Tutorial}} Second Sister suaviloquy

Today I welcome April From Second Sister : Suaviloquy
I first met April at the CBC (casual bloggers conference) and I knew right away that I HAD to have her do a guest post and a giveaway of one of her amazing handmade jewelry items.
(giveaway to come later) 
Don't forget to say HI to April and leave her some comment LOVE <3

Buzz Off 
Drink Cover

Summer is here in full swing. There is swimming. There is neighborhood night games. There is ice cream. Best of all, there are barbeques. Oh my I do love a good dinner party on a warm Summer night. 

If I were a drinkin' gal, I'd bring my host a cold six pack and a bag of peanuts, but I'm not. A drinkin' gal that is. I'm a crafty gal. And here is what I will be making for hostess gifts over the next few months.

I call them "Buzz Off Drink Covers".  Not only are they super cute, they also keep bugs out of your drink and if you make each cover in your set a little different, you can use them to tell who's drink belongs to who.

Here's the super easy how to:

Step one:

Cut two pieces of fabric into six inch squares.  Adorn one piece of fabric. I embroidered some of my covers with mendhi style designs that I drew. You can find them here. On the other set, I ruffled some contrasting fabric and sewed that on.  I plan to embroider a set to keep with our monogram on them. You can make them as fancy or as plain as your little heart desires.

Step two:

For each cover you will need four beads. One for each corner. I suggest using beads that have a little weight to them. They will keep the cover on your drink better if there is a breeze. Tie each bead onto a length of string and tie a knot an inch away from the bead.

Step three:

Pin each bead onto the right side of your fabric making sure that the beads fall towards the center of the cover. The end of the string should poke directly out from the corner.

Step four:

Pin the right sides of your fabric together. The beads will be sandwiched between your fabric.

Step five:

Using a quarter inch seam allowance, sew around the outside edge of the square. Make sure the knots from the strings are on the outside of the seam (the salvage edge).  Leave an inch of the square open. Turn the square right side out.  Turn the edges of the hole together and press the entire square. Now you can sew around the edge again with a decorative stitch making sure to close off the inch that was left open.


Don't forget to present your gift with flare. Presentation is everything darling.  I will be gifting mine stacked together with a package of lemonade mix and a large bow.


Happy Summer! Happy crafting!

Thank you so much for sharing April!
Be sure to head over to her blog for other great ideas!


  1. I LOVE this idea. You come up with the best stuff. Perfect hostess gift for summer. Keep the ideas coming- you are my favorite bog to visit.

  2. Serious? I LOVE this tutorial I am going to make tons and tons of these to have on hand for little gifts and to bring along with me to all my summer bbq's. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. this is so SO

    and great tutorial

  4. I LOVE this idea! I am soooo making these! Love the fabric she used too!

  5. What a brilliant idea! And they're so cute too!

  6. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing with us!

  7. This is a great idea - and they are too cute to pass up, too! :) Thanks for the idea!!


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