
Thursday, September 16, 2010

{TEN} things you probably don't know about me....

Remember my LAST POST 
well this is the continued version...
1.) My favorite color is TURQUOISE!

2.) I LOVE to eat cereal for breakfast but HAVE to mix at least two kinds together
{my fav... Rice Krispies + Mulitigrain Cherios = YUMMY}

3.)I pretty much ONLY listen to COUNTRY music...
4.) Ashley from LITTLE MISS MOMMA and Nina from MOMMA GO ROUND are two of my dear friends that I used to live near by in CALIFORNIA
*sorry Nina I couldn't find a pic of all of us or even one of you and I...don't hate me :( *
5.) my nickname is BB {from my initials Brittany Beth}

6.) I pretty much NEVER make my bed in the mornings unless i know someone is coming over
* bad habit I know :-/ *

7.) I can not go ANYWHERE with out mascara is a DAILY MUST!

8.)I have small feet and sometimes buy my shoes from the kids department
{I, the biggest size they carry but hey there cheaper sometimes}

9.)I sit in a hot BATH at least twice a week...I love to sit and relax and read my US WEEKLY !
{don't worry I still shower daily ;) lol}
*image from here*

10.) I have a few GRAY hairs....yup it's 26 I found them and didn't even pull them out! 
{luckily I'm blonde and they are hidden well}

well there you have it a little bit more about me...
ANYTHING else you want to know?
JUST ASK HERE and I will answer it in my next "things you want to know" post :
YUP that's right...ANYTHING...ask away! 


  1. I can relate to the kid's shoe section. I have done the same thing.

  2. I love it, Im with you on #7! If im doing bare minimum make up.. mascara will be it!! I have to have it on no matter what!! :) As for #6.. It made me laugh.. cause Im one of those people who HAVE to make the bed. Not right away in the morning.. cause I wake up at 6 and the hubs sleeps in till 8.. but when I go back into the room I have to make it. Its just makes it seem cleaner.. even if the rest of the room happens to be a mess! LOL idk why Im like that, cause I wasnt always. But one day I was just like.. grr this bed need to be made at all times! It looks too messy if its not made! :) Could be that, I spend a little more time in my room now, since the computer is in here. Before we moved it was in the living room and we were hardly in our room 'cept to sleep! :)
    About the gray hairs.. youre smart not to pull them out!! I know this may be just an "old wives tale" but It seems to have worked for people I know. They say if you find gray hairs do not pull them and you wont get any more! I know two friends, who had a few strands of gray hair. They've had for years! They havent pulled them. But they also didnt get anymore!

  3. BTW Great post.. I always think its nice to learn more about the blogger herself too.. in the midst of all her fabulous creations!!

  4. Ha, I had to laugh at #6. I'm the same way! I hate making the bed. But I'm trying to be better because when I tell Avery to go make her bed she says "But mom, your bed isn't made." Ouch!
    Amen sista about the mascara. I feel naked without it.

    Okay, 2 questions....
    What is your favorite restaurant?
    What was the best gift someone has given you?

    BTW, I love the pic with you and Ashlee :) Aww. The memories.

  5. Sorry Ashley.....I know how to spell your name :) Love ya!!

  6. I also am a fellow hot bath/magazine reader (I actually try to take one every day even on top of a shower) because I can be totally warm (my hubby is a "cold" person and hates turning the heat up past about 65)

    I love your blog by the way!!

  7. Ooh!! I love turquoise also! And country music! Thanks for sharing!!! :)

  8. Somehow I missed this post the first time! Seriously, we are terrible at taking pics of ourselves. LOVE YOU!

  9. I'm the same way about my mascara. AND I have the same problem with shoes, usually they are cheaper so I'll buy them there. But sometimes I wish they carried more grown up looking shoes in the kids department. ;)
    Amie @

  10. Yeah. Mascara and eyeliner is a MUST. and I don't think I've made my bed since we moved into our house!!! Love your list, and I cay wait to check out your blog!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE to hear from you I always read each and every one of them. :) If you ask a question I will try answer back through email if it is attached to your profile, as always email is the best way to reach me! :)