
Thursday, October 28, 2010

I was scared

Here is a little look into my life...this is my most recent post from my personal family blog : 


Judging by the title you would think this was HALLOWEEN themed...
BUT NOPE this little scare was a REAL LIFE SCARE!

There is one word that REALLY scares me...I mean terrifies me

and last week my faith was really tested when it came to that one little scary word!

I found a LUMP IN MY NECK....

well truthfully it's been there for about a year....but it was just a small little pea sized bump that I figured was just a swollen gland
all of a sudden it grew, and grew, and grew
it tripled in size in just three short months!
are only a few of the words to describe what I was thinking and feeling!

SO to make as L O N G story short...I FINALLY went to the doctor after the pressure it was putting on my ear was too much to handle
(and maybe a little "pushing" from my grandma Jenna...thx Jen love you!)

My white blood cell count was a little high...So my Dr
 immediately wanted to run a BUNCH of tests...
but one small problem...
So step one was an ultra sound of the neck to see what we were dealing with!
 I was actually really calm and NOT too worried when I got there
the tech started the ultra sound
As soon as I saw A WHOLE CLUSTER OF LUMPS i really started to freak out!
I was CONVINCED I had cancer

after MANY tears and what seemed like a milion hours later
it was my doctor...
the best two little words I could have heard that day!!!
It was just a bad infection that settled in my glands and "hopefully" a dose of antibiotics will clear it up!

I don't know if I have ever experienced that kind of fear in one day before...It was a horrible feeling! 
I am SO glad that the outcome was positive and it made me really think about all the people that do / or have suffered from cancer in their lives! 
My heart just aches for all of them!
I was sent this sad but beautiful email today that I want to share with all of you : 

The wedding. 

Her name is Katie Kirkpatrick, 21 yrs old. Next to her is her fiance Nick, 23.
This picture was taken prior to their wedding January 11th, 2005.
Katie has terminal cancer and spends hours in chemotherapy.
Here Nick awaits while she finishes one of the sessions....

Even in pain and dealing with her organs shutting down, with the help of morphine,
Katie took care of every single part of the wedding planning.
Her dress had to be adjusted several times due to Katie 's constant weight loss.

An expected guest was her oxygen tank. Katie had to use it during the ceremony and reception.
The other couple in this picture is Nick's parents, very emotional with the wedding and to see their
Son marrying the girl he fell in love when he was an adolescent.

Katie , in a wheel chair listening to her husband and friends singing to her.

In the middle of the party, Katie had to rest for a bit and catch her breath.
The pain does not allow her to stand for long period of time.

Katie died 5 days after her wedding. To see a fragile woman dress as bride with a beautiful smile
 Makes you think... Happiness is always there within reach, no matter how long it lasts.....
Lets enjoy life and don't live a complicated life. Life is too short.

Work as if it was your first day. 
Forgive as soon as possible. 
Love without boundaries.. 
Laugh without control 
And never stop smiling. 
Please pray for those suffering from cancer. 
We all have close to our heart.


  1. Thank you for sharing your story. Cancer is very scaring and I am so happy for you that everything turned out ok!

  2. I know the feeling...a few years ago I had what felt like an m&m right under my ear! There was talk of a biopsy but it went away first, so it was just a swollen gland, thank God!

  3. i can totally relate to your cancer scare. my mom was diagnosed with cancer january 11, 2005 (the day of nick & katie's wedding) & she passed away on may 9, 2006. in early october, i found a lump in my breast (at the age of 21).. and i totally freaked out. we did a bunch of testing including ultrasounds. i finally had surgery on october 30 (the day of my mom's birthday) & had the lump removed.. thankfully, it was a benign fibroid adenoma. seeing someone you truly love have cancer is one of the hardest things in life. and i just hate that cancer even exists. but i'm glad your family doesn't have to go through that!

  4. How stressful for you, glad to hear it was just an infection. It sure does give you a dose of reality doesn't it? I love the little poem you put at the end, all are so very true.

  5. So scary but so happy that it is not cancer!!! Cancer is so awful and affects so many!!!! That's why I volunteer for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life!!!! Such an eye opener!

    ~The Mama Monster

  6. I am so happy to hear that you are cancer free!! I completely understand the stress that comes with waiting for that "all clear" phone call! I am a cancer survivor...just celebrated the "anniversary" of my remission date at the end of last month actually. Every year when I go for my "check-up" I worry and wait by the phone for my "all clear" and cry each and every time. I'm SO GLAD you are well! Congratulations!!

  7. Oh, you had me scared for you!! I have a fear of it too. I am so glad it is not cancer!

  8. Cancer is SO SO SO scary. I can't imagine what it was like to go through a moment like that. But I am SOOO happy to hear that you are cancer free!

    Just Better Together

  9. Glad you received good news, I along with you feel very much for those who don't. Unable to see the picture of this darling couple,(assume they are private) but really felt their story. Thanks for sharing!

  10. @ Desi - I am sorry the pics were not working...they should be up and able to see now :) thanks for all your kind words!

  11. Britt! I'm so glad that you're ok! I can't imagine many scarier things than the possibility of having CANCER!! I'm really really glad you're ok!
    That story is so sad too! Life is just not fair sometimes! I'm glad she got to be a beautiful bride though.

  12. Wow! I am glad you are okay....Cancer is such a scary thing...My dad is a survior. Today is the one year anniversary of his pancreas transplant.

    She was such a pretty bride..Such a sad story.

  13. WOW, so so scary! I'm happy to read that you are okay! What a sad and emotional story (both yours and the wedding one!)

  14. tears! Great post! So so so happy you are ok! Love you! and the wedding story made me super emotional {and grateful}!

  15. Brittany- thanks for your post. I am glad you only had an infection. Thank you for sharing that precious story about Katie and Nick.


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