
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

a whole bunch of pure awesome randomness!

I love when I open my google reader and it is FULL of great posts!!
Well when I saw THIS blog on my reader I got an instant smile...READ HER BLOG she always can make you laugh and smile, well there are the occasional tears :( but mostly pure awesomeness!
{and a special guest post coming from her soon...ya}
She hosts a LINKY PARTY on Tuesdays to show off your CELL PHONE pics
and this week...i decided to JOIN IN :) 
so I hope you are ready for some pure random awesomeness!
(yes that is my word for the day...awesomeness AND as an FYI it is a spell checked approved word)

It's hard to tell but this would be my hooker-ish make up that I had done for my Halloween costume...i was a pirate! not a hooker!
i had on these HUGE fake eyelashes that went all the way to my eyebrows!  
 My darling friend from a bday party we went to last weekend...we were the ONLY blondes at the party! we had to celebrate!!!
 My amazing hottie hubby working on some projects for me in our FREEZING garage...why is it soo cold you ask.....
this is why...we have SNOW already!!!!
 ummmm this kinda speaks for its self...out to lunch and THIS kept staring back at us....couldn't you feel the breeze lady!?! i mean seriously!
 Cutie patootie LILY {a friends baby girl} that i got to baby sit last week!! LOVE THOSE CHEEKS!
 and finally for all of those who might question what exactly a cereal mixer is....this ones for you!
Life, Quaker oatmeal squares and a dash of captain crunch 
complete my morning breakfast :)

LOL hope you enjoyed all the pure awesome random cell phone pics
want to share yours? 
head over HERE and link up :)


  1. hooker makeup is essential for being a pirate, or stay-at-home-mom ;) holy crack-oli, her crack must not be getting attention at home, cuz it's screaming for it at inappropriate places. hahaha!

  2. Great pics and I LOVE Jess and her new rad link party! Love the "awesomeness"!

  3. The makeup is totally gorgeous. I tried doing my makeup all hookerish for Halloween since I didn't have a costume and by the end of it I was like, "Wow, I actually look really good in bright purple eye shadow." So I wore it to Church instead.

  4. I banned my hubby to the garage to work on projects he's promised me this last weekend. It wasn't quite as cold here though. Jealous of your snow... =/

  5. I have seen our first snow here... but it didn't stick. I personally love snow. And that crack. I hate when that happens. I sit for my whole meal wondering if I should like tell them. Like you know how you push in someones tag? You should be able to pull up people's pants.

  6. u look hot as a hooker. i mean "pirate" mmm hmmm. whatever...

    brunettes are better *wink*

    ok that snow pic made me cringe with disgust. yuck. do u live in antartica or what?! i love texas. *sigh*

    the booty. *headshake* funny thing is i get at least ONE booty pic a month from random nerds who like air in their crack. wtc?!

    thanks for playing pretty!!!! please drive thru and i'll see you next week?

  7. I love this post. It is a great way to show everyday life and yet not have to really make a whole long post out of it. This is fun, I think you should do it more often. Yeah, the one sitting in the chair with the plumber thing going on...seen a lot of that!


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