
Thursday, December 02, 2010

{{Guest BLogger}} Kari Otto - I promise You will LOL

When I fist put up the post about wanting to feature new and upcoming blogs I thought I would get one or two people interested...
I had NO clue I would get 100's !!! 
I was so excited that so many people out there had started blogs and wanted ME (little ole me) to feature them! 
Wel,l over the next few weeks you will see me introduce to you a bunch of those NEW blogs
I introduce to you
(someone who's kind of a slacker when it comes to emailing me back...just kidding Kari..I {Heart} you)
 and one of my FAVORITE posts from her : 

I'm so excited Brittany asked to feature me today because (well, let's be honest here...) that pretty much means I'm famous now. Right? Right. Juuuuuuust kidding. Kind of... 
Anyway, I'm the voice behind YOU OUGHTA KNOW WHAT'S NEW WITH KARI AND NATHAN OTTO, and I basically blog about anything and everything.  
In fact, I could possibly have a mild case of multiple {blog} personality disorder because one day I'll write about serious and even spiritual matters like here, here, or here, and then the next day I'll wake up and write an entire post about how some Foods TOTALLY gross me out! 
Random, I know.  
As you read my blog, I hope you come to find that while I'm a bit silly sometimes, 
I know who I am and what I feel. 
So, why do YOU oughta know what new with Kari and Nathan Otto? Well, you might want to read about some of my adventures in teaching, or maybe you want to see some super cute pictures of my handsome husband and hear me talk about how much I love him, orrrrrr maybe you want to see the progression of my growing baby bump...did I mention my eggo is preggo? Yeah, it's awesome. 
Or, maybe you just want to laugh, cry, and SMILE along with me as I journal about my lovely little life. 
Oh, and one last thing: 
I fully embrace blog-stalkers, so come check out my blog and say "hi!"
And now the "EYEBROW" post :

Honestly, when you saw this picture, what was your first thought? Did you think of this? You thought two caterpillars were crawling across my forehead, huh?
For twenty-three years, I have had these eyebrows. And for twenty-three years, they really haven't bothered me too much. As of today, however, they are bothering me. A lot.
The more I look at them, the more I feel like a man--sudden realization--is this why everyone always says I look just like my dad? Do I have furry guybrows? Do I look like a Muppet baby?
It's weird because I've always considered myself as being pretty feminine. I would even call myself a girlie-girl. I love pink and lace and eyeshadow and ruffles and all that kind of stuff...but I've never shaped my eyebrows. Ever. No tweezing, no plucking, no waxing, no nothing.The above picture of my eyebrow freaks me out. From a distance, (hopefully!) I don't think my eyebrows look too bad. But all up close and personal? Yikes!

Well if you thought that was scary, then maybe you want to stop reading this blog post now. Things are about to get real ugly.

Are you ready for this?

It's a little frightening...

Last chance...

Okay, I warned you...




Unleash the monster!
That's what happens when I take a comb or a towel and brush the crazy thing up or backwards. Terrifying, huh? It just looks a little too much like this:
But, I just don't know. I kind of like them in a weird way. It's like...I don't know...I almost take pride in the fact that I've never shaped my eyebrows. I mean, aren't they so much a part of me? Or, are you screaming at the computer screen right now, shaking your hands in fists, and yelling, "KARI! Why are you expressing some sort of sentimental attachment to those bushy beasts?!" Is it time to tame the beast? Should I let those furry caterpillars nestle into a cocoon of wax and turn into something beautiful?
So, what do you think of thick eyebrows? Do you think that maybe those bushy beasts are beautiful in their own way? Maybe I could rock my thick, dark brows in an Audrey Hepburn sort of way?...

Or, do those type of eyebrows just scream, "MUPPET BABY?" Is it time to grow up? Time to move on from these eyebrows I've expressed myself with my whole life?
If I do decide to shape my eyebrows, these are my fears:
  • What if someone accidentally waxes the whole thing off?
  • What if I look completely weird and different?
  • What if I had to creepily pencil them in?
  • What if it hurts like heck?
  • What if they get mad at me and grow back even bushier?
Well, now that I have publicly humiliated myself and thrown myself out there in an embarrassingly vulnerable way, I want to know the honest truth. What do you think I should do? Try not to be too harsh, please. ;)
Give Kari some LOVE and Support 
and welcome her to the blog world
by leaving her some COMMENTS here!!!


  1. Ha ha! I have to admit that the first picture startled me a bit! I think the Audrey Hepburn look would be great on you, but keep in mind that hers were nicely shaped. Not one stray hair. :) Just sayin!

  2. I think they are beautiful!! I also have SUPER UPER lick brows and if I don't wax I look like I have 2 giant caterpillars kissing all the way across my forhead!! :( I would say you could clean them up and shape them a little bit if you wanted to. Just don't get tooo crazy

  3. TIME TO TAKE CARE OF THOSE BEASTS! they will turn out great and you'll be surprised with how much they nicely shape your face.

  4. I say keep them how you like them :) my mom always encouraged me and my sisters to not pluck ours but we did anyway...I must admit though, mine are pretty bad ha. I only pluck like every three excited for your little baby!! What a great time in life :) congratulations!

  5. HEHE, I LOVE Kari and have read her blog for a little while! She is hilarious and so darn adorable! And I happen to LOVE her muppet baby brows--she is BEAUTIFUL!

  6. I stalk Kari's blog already. We are kinda twinners...only she doesn't know it. I am so excited for baby time! Oh and the eyebrow thing - try it - I'm glad I did. And my eyebrows didn't get mad @ me. Phew.

  7. ha ha ha...I thought this post was HIL-A-RIOUS! I love it! I say keep those caterpillars!

  8. Loved you post Kari. You're hilarious! Kari, just pluck the stray hairs. You're brows will still be the lush beautiful brows you have now, the upkeep will be really easy, and you can easily do it yourself. Just pluck the hairs that are outside the natural shape of your brows. You'd be amazed at the difference such a small thing can make. :)


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE to hear from you I always read each and every one of them. :) If you ask a question I will try answer back through email if it is attached to your profile, as always email is the best way to reach me! :)