
Thursday, January 27, 2011

5 steps for a better YOU {{guest blogger}} Peace.Love.Fitness

Remember the great post that Ashley and Rachel from 
did for us to jump start our body for the new year!
well luck for YOU they are going to do a fitness / healthy eating feature once a month for us to help ALL OF US stay on track!!
5 Things You Can Do Today for a Healthier, Stronger and Skinnier You!

1)  Eat natural, whole foods.  Think vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, greek yogurt, whole grains, and beans.

2)  Take supplements; Omega 3's, a multivitamin, Vitamin B, Magnesium, and Vitamin C.

3)  Drink a lot of water.  Add lemon to help burn a few extra calories and to add some flavor.

4)  Exercise 4 times a week and do something you enjoy.  Exercising can and should be fun!

5)  Chose to make a change.  Set some goals and write them down.
Tips and Tricks to stay on track :
As with most things it is easier to take it one day at a time.  
So if you are new to exercising then try to walk for about 10 minutes on your lunch break or after dinner.  
If your nutrition seems to be the problem then start by revamping one of your meals (start with breakfast) and work towards eating clean ALL day long. 

Carry a huge water bottle around with you everywhere you go, so that you are constantly reminded to drink.

Get a journal and write down your dreams/goals; the dreams for you health, what you will look like when you make your dreams a reality and how you will feel once you start to change your life.  
So much of what we eat is determined by our emotions, so take the time to write down your own journey...where you want to go and where you are at right now.

Those who say that they will succeed do
so it is your choice! 
If you want something bad enough, then you have to work for it.  So believe in yourself and remember that you only get one body; take care of it and live the life you deserve.


Follow them on TWITTER too : 


  1. Great advice! I love that she says to start by revamping breakfast and work towards eating the same way for the rest of the day. It's overwhelming if you try to revamp your whole diet at one time! Love this post!

  2. I really needed this. Thanks for posting this!

  3. awesome post! I try to eat pretty clean myself, it's the portion size and snackies i need to be careful of.
    i love huge water bottles and i'm trying desperately to be consistent in my exercise. oh and adding lemon to my water everyday has been helping too, it helps with sugar cravings!
    yippee i'm excited they'll be doing a post once a month, i need the motivation and tips!

  4. Awesome info!! Thanks for sharing!


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