
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dear Friends,

Although you are a friend of mine
and letters we exchange,
I wouldn't know you on the street,
and doesn't that seem strange?

You hold a place within my life,

unusual and unique;
We share ideals and special dreams,
and still, we do not speak.

I picture what I think you are,

perhaps you picture me.
An intriguing game for both of us
for someone we can't see.

So for this friendship we possess,

we owe this mail a debt,
Perhaps the charm lies in the fact
that we have never met. 
 {author unknown}

I thought this poem was very fitting for how I feel about ALL of you! 
I consider you all my friends...yet...we have never met 
{well...most of us haven't...}

SO today I want to get to know YOU more! 
leave me a comment and tell me where YOU are from and ONE fact about you!!!


  1. I'm Julie from
    I'm from Charleston, SC
    I love food (obvious from my blog)and my fact is that I absolutely adore being out on the beach but despite living 20 minutes away, I hardly make it out there!

  2. Hi Brittany,
    My name is Kathleen. I live in Maryland and I LOVE word games!

  3. Nice to meet you Brittany, my name is Brooke! Lol. I live in East Texas! One fact about me... I won't eat a grilled cheese unless it's made in the grilled cheese maker! I know WIERD! It's something my grandpa did for me and ever since he passed away I won't eat them any other way!

  4. I'm Selissa from Parker, CO. I love to collect DIY project ideas that I know I will never finish! But it is fun to dream!

  5. Hey doll!
    My name is Elena and I'm in South Florida. I love snuggling my new puppy, sewing up pretty things, and learning new ways to make more pretty things. About to teach myself hand embroidery and cross stitch. Fun!

  6. Hi! My name is Christina...I am in love with a wonderful man and hoping to be married by the end of the year...just waiting on the ring, lol!

  7. Hi Brittany! I'm Jenny from Pittsburgh, PA. I am just starting in the blogging world and signed up for Blogger Boot camp in Boston. I am really nervous, but excited!

  8. Hi there! My name is Misty! I'm from Indiana. One fact about me is I'm 27 and I still dye my hair purple! Lol :)


  9. My name is Nicole ( I live in Oregon. I am a new mommy blogger with occasional stories about life, love and friendships. I have a teenage daughter (who is about to drive) and a 2 year old son. I LOVE vanilla anything! ANYTHING and might be slightly addicted to diet cherry pepsi.

  10. i'm Hillary, from California-living in Utah. I am the ONLY blonde in my family, natural blonde, my other 4 siblings have brown hair and brown eyes.

  11. I'm Amie, and I live in Maryland! I love sour candy, I eat it to the point where I burn the taste buds off my tongue.

  12. I'm Gillian, from

    I am 22, live in Provo, UT, and I am a hair stylist. I also teach musical theater. I am married, but do not have kids yet. I am a blog stalker and obsessed with blogging. haha!

  13. I'm Amanda, from Sugar City, Idaho. I am an adoptee AND an adoptive mother! Your blog is fabulous! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Im Melissa, I live in HOT arizona and I have two small kiddos and one which I homeschool! What a great idea Brittany!

  15. I'm Tabitha and I live near Cleveland in OH. Been married for 14 yrs and have been told I am hubby's mom twice. Hate that, I do not look that old!! It's just he looks so young (can you hear the jealously in my typing?). ;0) We are 13 months apart and he is older than I.

  16. Hi Brittany! I'm Staci from! I live in Saratoga Springs, Utah and i'm sooo ready for winter to be over. Can it be sunny and warm again? Please? I'm a crafting, mommy, blogger and I think you're darling!!!

  17. Brittany!! name is Sadie Sabin! I absolutely love your blog and I think you are gorgeous! I am from Rigby, Idaho! YEEHAA!:) I love my 6 month old daughter and my fairy tale husband. I am obsessed with decorating, create and making things look beautiful! Come check out my blog! I think I am going to set up an Etsy shop with all of my pretty little things!
    {simply delicious}

  18. hey brittany, first off your fabulous. My name in erica i live in good ol' mesa, az. i suck pretty bad at blogging but i do it anyway. i'm a stay at home momma, with my 3 & 1 year old daughters.

  19. Hey Brittany,

    I am Autumn Dark, and I live in Mesa, Arizona. I am married to a professional bull rider. We've been married a little over a year and are expecting our first little one (a girl) this coming June! And it's true, you are Amazing! :)

  20. Hello! My name is Kelsey and I am from the big 'ol town of Hancock, MN. I love to scrapbook, craft, and am learning to sew from my grandma! :) I am also excited to be a momma this April!!

  21. I'm Natosha. I'm from Denver, Colorado and I have a beautiful baby boy who is going to be 8 weeks old tomorrow! He pretty much owns all of my thoughts and dreams right now, I'm so deeply in love with him!

    I love your blog! I think I'm going to steal this idea (with a link back of course), if you don't mind and post it on my blog! I'd love it if you came and introduced yourself!

  22. That was the perfect blogging poem! I'm living in St. George, Utah with my family so my girls can attend a performing arts high school and to be closer to my college coed daughter.

  23. I'm Kate and live in Houston. I just changed jobs and just started following blogs around the holidays. I am a newbie to this whole world.

  24. This is such a fun idea :) I'm Leighann, and I'm from Greenville, SC! I'm expecting my first kiddo (a boy) in April :)

  25. Hiya. I'm Bex. I hail from SLC in this Beehive State and am a bargain-blogging fool.

  26. My name is Amy, I live in St. Petersburg, FL. I am in the process of starting a Etsy site with my two best friends called TheCraftyLAB.

  27. Hi! I'm Claudia, from Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. I love fashion, crafts and reading blogs!

  28. My name is Jamie. I live around the corner from you, I am your visiting teacher, but have never actually visited you. (I think that should change! and we should go out to lunch this week!) I want to get to know YOU better too! I LOVE reading your blog and feel like I know you already without ever really hanging out with you.

  29. I'm Elise, I'm from Utah, and I wish I were finger painting right now instead of sitting in stats class :p

  30. hiya! i am bobbie over at from Marshall, MO.

    i am a librarian because that is what i love...everything can go hand in hand with a great book (especially for the littles) whether it be a craft, a good recipe, or a major life event.

  31. Hello!!
    My name is Brooke and I live in Hooper, UT. I'm a s.a.h.m. to two crazy little ones. I absolutely love your blog and wish I had the energy to put into my blog that you do in yours!!

  32. LOVED this poem!

    I'm Mary Kathryn from Tuscaloosa, AL and I'm a crafter who also happens to have a B.F.A in musical theatre.

    LOVE your blog/shop!

  33. im ranae! im from canada but living in rexburg. im a stay at home wife and do nothing but blog!

  34. Hi, my name is Celina and I live in Copperas Cove, TX. I am a military spouse, mother of three, and I am on the Scraps of Darkness design team.

  35. i'm dawn from massachusetts-a sahm mom to 5-4 girls and a boy-not sure how i'm going to survive my oldest being 14 and my youngest 3 :)

  36. Hey Brittany!
    My name is Amy from I adore sour candy, bananagrams, and want to start a revolution with my muffin pan. Thanks for taking the time and asking about us. The poem totally captures the relationship between blogger and reader. Thanks for sharing.

  37. My name is Kristi from Kristi Hoskins Gifts on Etsy. I also have a blog. I'm from Ohio and I have 2 crazy kids that keep me on my toes each day. I only survive because of the invention of diet coke ;)

  38. Hi Brittney! I'm from Central Texas and I affectionately call my town a little big town. I'm married to my High School Sweetheart(13 yrs together today!), home school my two kiddos, craft, I'm Mexican, was Miss Hispanic ____ (my town's name)in high school and don't speak Spanish, I have 6 brothers, 1 sister, 7 brother-in-laws, 8 sister-in-laws, 9 nephews, and 4 nieces, I cut my tongue open when I was 5 by biting it...on accident, broke my arm running into a wall with my pants around my ankles and can touch my nose with my tongue. Thought I'd give you all my random.

  39. Hi! I am Emily and live in Minnetonka, MN. I love to play with my 2 yr old daughter, and sew when I get the chance!

  40. Hi, I'm Elizabeth and I live in Waddell, AZ. I love living 5 miles from an afb because watching the jets take off and land is an amazing sight too see. Oh, and I go home to my mom's house in Seal Beach, CA every time the weather gets unbearable out here in the desert. I love what you can create. I wish I had the creativity to do it :).

  41. Hi there! I'm Shirley from Connecticut. Mom to 3 awesome kiddos and a public high school teacher. Also I'd love to let you know that even after 13 years of marriage I still get butterflies in my stomach when I see my cutie pie husband! :)

  42. I am Natalie from (Blonde at Heart)
    I am a California girl at heart, but we currently live in Oregon.
    I am an aunt to 4 nephews and 1 niece. I love to shop, sing my little heart out, work with 4 & 5 year olds and high school girls at our church. I scuba dive (because I love my hubby) even though I am afraid of the ocean and I love watching movies! :)
    This is fun! The poem is super sweet! I just love your blog! :)

  43. Hi Brittany. My name is Chrissy and I am from Grand Rapids, MI. And about me...hhmm I struggle to know Who I am.

  44. Hi Brittany-
    My name is Karri and I am a mama of 3. I adore your creations...but I hate winter in the midwest.

  45. I scanned through the comments, but didn't see anyone from Louisiana so I thought I'd leave a little represent (in my most gangsta' voice) for the good ole' Cajun state :)

    A little fact about me... hmm... I can't spell very well and highly rely on my spell check to get me through the day!

  46. Hi, my name is jami and I live in southern California. I love to sing, read, scrap and blog and I hide all my favorite candy from my 4 kids so I don't have to share. :)

  47. Hi! I'm Amanda from Washington State. Ssshhhh-I'm a blog stalker! Love your blog!

  48. That poem is precious!! Mind if I borrow it??
    My name is Terri.. from Memphis, TN.
    Divorced, full-time working, momma of 2.
    Happy Tuesday!!

  49. I'm Courtney from Scraps and Scribbles{}I live in Lakeland, FL, which is right in between Tampa and Orlando. Aside from all the things I love to do that you can find on my blog, I love the beach and I love to surf.

  50. I am from St. George UT (currently..) and I love making jewelry, hair flowers, and rings. I just bought some polyester resin so I can make my OWN flower cabochons! (Hopefully I don't screw it up!) I need a girl next time so she can delight in this with me. Jack doesn't like it when I put flowers in his hair....

  51. Hi Brittany!
    I'm Tiffany from good ole Shawnee, OK. I have a pretty new little blog, Killing Time, where I talk about sewing and crafting.
    I love 4-wheeling and would much rather spend my days playing in the mud in a 4x4 than being a domestic goddess...

  52. Hello, I am Rhonda from Arizona. my blog is set to private for now because i had some rude comments left on it while i couldn't attend to remove them. But if you would like to view my blog plz send me an email to with your site url and i will be glad to add you to my list of people whom can view my blog. I am currently enrolled in the community college here in hopes to receive my associates degree. I have a huge passion for photography,digital design web design i have a blogspot for blogspot,facebook,myspace,and tumblr themes/layouts. i love to work out read and draw im an all over the place kinda girl. and I LOVE TO BLOG! and meet new friends.. hope to here from some of you! xoxo Rhonda

  53. Hi, Brittany!
    My name is Sarah. I occasionally read your blog and love perusing all the DIY craft blogs on the web... always dreaming of doing them... SOMEDAY!!! I love to travel and try to go overseas at least once a year.

  54. Hi Brittany!! I am tai from - I am a full time working mom...which I really loathe and I long to be home with my babies all day! Hoping hubby's MBA pays off soon and we can make it happen. I love to craft and blog after the kiddos are asleep!

  55. I'm Ashley, from Phoenix, and am obsessed with sushi. ohhhh ya :)

  56. :) I'm Kassi. Originally from NM... now Safford, Az. I'm planning my wedding for June right now!

  57. I was born in San Antonio, TX but I moved to Ephraim, UT when I was 16 and that is where I consider home. We currently live in Okinawa, Japan and I LOVE it. I could live on sushi and soba noodles!

  58. How fun! I'm Heidi, from Louisiana! And I currently have about 57 blisters on my hands/fingers from my glue gun! :)

  59. I'm Ashlei, a Kentucky girl living in Texas. I'm a wannabe blogger but am scared to become one for fear of the time that it will take up on top of the career that I have.

  60. Hi, I am Jenni, from Arizona. I wish that I could spend every moment of free time crafting and just refinished my first dresser all by myself!!!

    Love your blog!

  61. Such a cute poem! So perfect :)

    Hi Brittany! My name is Kara and I blog over at Mine for the Making! I am a mommy, wife, teacher, DIYer, and crafter.

  62. I read the first paragraph and I already start imagining all us blogger friends :)

    Just Better Together
    come check out my giveaway!

  63. I'm Caroline from Louisiana, and I blog at Caroline in Stitches. I've been reading you a while and I don't think I've ever commented. Sooooo, nice to "meet" you!

  64. hey
    I'm April from NC.
    My blog is
    I love peanuts in the shell, like the kind you get in the buckets when you go to a steakshouse. After I shell them I have to take off that red husk too...yuck..can't eat that.

  65. I'm in Texas where the Alamo is. :-)

    One fact: Hmmm. I love pizza and can't stand seafood. Oh, I suppose that was two facts, not one. Ha! :-)

  66. Lauren from New Orleans!

    I hate feet! LOL. I can only touch my husbands, and my childrens. Anyone else! Ewwwww.

  67. I'm Mary aka The Little Wife from rural Virginia and nothing makes me more excited for tomorrow as a forecast of snow!

  68. My name is Erin I live in SLC, UT

    Im obsessed with interior design and wish I could do it for my career!

  69. I'm Diana, from the Bay Area in CA. I'm a wife (of almost 3 years) and a momma to a 2 year old :)

  70. I am from Kyle, Texas and i am an 11 year old crafter who loves to read your blog and recently purchased something from you! :)


  71. I was born and raised in Florida but am now living in Kentucky where my hubby is going to medical school. I love to play games (board, card, whatever1) with family and friends! At family vacations, people get sick of me bugging them to play games with me!

  72. I'm JoEllen and I've been married for 7 years and have 3 little boys. I love staying at home with my kids and I do a little aesthetician work at home too. I've been loving your blog!

  73. So I'm like 4 weeks too late here, but Hi, I'm Susan! I'm in CA and you and I have quite a bit in common, my Dear! :) We are both mommy's to kiddos we didn't birth, but love just the same!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE to hear from you I always read each and every one of them. :) If you ask a question I will try answer back through email if it is attached to your profile, as always email is the best way to reach me! :)