
Thursday, January 13, 2011

I am NOT technology savvy :(

I am not one to have a lot of TECHNOLOGY around me...
I have a DESKTOP and an IPHONE and that is it!
 My Biggest TV is in my family room and it is only a 32" flat screen
Is it wrong that I want a cute laptop messenger bag like people carry around...or one of those cute Ipad sleeves!!!
{yes I'm a dork i know}  
SOOOOO the time has come!
I am getting a laptop, or netbook, or Ipad
the question is...
which one? 
I need your help!
what do you use and why do you love it!!


  1. Brian would totally suggest a PC/laptop. Any Apple products you will over pay for the technology, though they are user friendly. Basically with apple you pay for user friendly, with PC you pay less for more power.

  2. apple all the way!! yes it is way more money, but it is SOOO easy to use, especially for new users (like you! :)) its way easier to scroll through webpages then a pc, and it has a built in antivirus, so you NEVER and i mean NEVER get a virus. ive had my laptop since i graduated in 2007 and have had ZERO problems with it. i love it and will never go to a pc. my family and husband has a pc and i cant stan using it. i would say get a laptop... the ipad is fun! but id rather have a laptop over an ipad...once you have a laptop then you can get an ipad for funsies! but yes a macbook for sure!

  3. I would stop by an electronics superstore and give them a test run for sure, I haven't used the iPad so I can't say anything on that, but I have a Dell laptop and a Dell netbook. I prefer the laptop for extended typing over the netbook because of the key placement is more comfortable to me. The netbook is great for trips to the indoor play place with the kids or sitting on the couch just surfing. I find that the netbook is slower than the laptop, even with extended memory it is still slower. ( I don't know the tech specs or anything and it's a brand new machine so it's not bogged with stuff, it's just slower) I also use an external mouse and keyboard for desk use of either machine, There are great wireless options. Have fun with what ever you get! :)

  4. Apple laptop!!! The best purchase I've ever made. I want an iPad someday but couldn't live without my PowerBook. Worth every penny. Just think about how easy it's going to be to update your blog!

  5. I have an Apple MacBook pro and I absolutely love it. Never had any problems with it, no virus, no software issues and when the DVD player died I brought it to the nearest Apple store and they replaced it overnight at no charge since I bought the extended protection plan. I have a PC laptop for work, and it's an absolute frustration to use in comparison. I'm waiting for Apple's next generation of iPad to get one because I'd like to have a camera in it and I think they will add that feature in their next generation.

  6. I am a recent apple convert. My dell laptop died...I love my new macbook. I also have a dell netbook for work. I love it! It's tiny and easy to take anywhere yet can do so much!

  7. Get an Imac, you will love apple products. All my computers are macs and they are so intuitive and easy to use. They don't get viruses, and if you are near an apple store and they happen to need work, repairs are a breeze. In my experience if your pc breaks, throw it away and get another. You get what you pay for.

  8. I have a Macbook and will never go back to a PC. It has been 2 yrs now...never have to worry about getting a virus :) LOVE it! I agree that you get what you pay for. Good luck!

  9. Go to an Apple store and play around with laptops/ipad, etc. We LOVE mac. We own an imac and 3 macbooks. The only one in my family that doesn't own one is my husband because he used a pc for his work. They really are awesome. They never get virus's. Support is very good too. Good luck in your decision! :)

  10. I'm a mac lover have never had any other kind of computer but I hope you are not making the laptop, netbook, iPad leap just to get the cute bag. You can get the bag and put other things in it. ; )

  11. I love my laptop! I am addicted to it.

  12. I LOVE my MacBook! This is the first one I've owned and have had it for 3 years now. It is awesome and I have never had any problems with it!

  13. I would totally say laptop. I LOVE my laptop! I got a dell and it's five years old and still running as good as new except that the battery is dead so it's total a/c. I'm a special education teacher and was provided with a netbook for school and I hate it because it's so small my fingers hit the wrong keys. It's frustrating to sit with my computer projected on a big screen where everyone sees my typos as I try to type on the smaller keyboard. I have no experience with an ipad... I'll never go back to a desktop though!

  14. you know what they say...once you go mac you won't ever go back! heehee!! ok, in all seriousness, we were pc users for the longest time, in fact, we dropped a lot of money on a custom made computer just to have it die in under a year. my hubby convinced me that we needed a mac and i finally gave in. hallelujah! it was worth every penny! we love it so much! in fact, i even went out and bought a macbook pro when my photography business put me in a position where i needed it on the go! next on my list is the ipad, just for fun!

  15. I always hated those people who were like, "Apple products are the best, PC sucks, only buy Mac"...and then we bought our Mac at the beginning of 2010. I get it now. Mac is just...better. Easier. Less hassle. I even let my hubby buy a MacBook Pro for law school just this last week. So expensive, but I think it will be totally worth it. We had a netbook (Asus Eee PC) and it was alright, but it was a little *too* small. And we found that after having our Mac, we didn't like Windows as much anymore. So we sold it and got the MacBook Pro. The biggest issue I have is the price, but they are more secure than Windows based computers, and I've heard they last a lot longer. I can't attest to that myself since I've only had ours a year, but we got a Gateway when we were married 3 years ago and that thing was having so many issues before it was 2 years old. I would go with a Mac. But if you decide not to, I would get an Asus or Acer (both great companies, used to build the "guts" of the Macs until a few years ago). Not a netbook, they are nice and small, but pretty soon you'll wish you had something bigger. Oh, and don't get an ipad. You'll wish you had a keyboard sooner than you think, along with an SD slot and CD drive.

  16. I am a DELL lover. I've purchased two and then one for my mom over the years and they have been really good to me (all laptops) ... I am not a tech-y so I don't know how they rank in the computer world. I like them so much because you can get a refurbished one at a very reasonable price and they're basically new. You can also call and talk to a Dell sales person and they can suggest how much memory and all that jazz, depending on what you are using it for.

  17. Okay wow! I guess I need to get a Mac next!!

  18. I have no advice but I just wanted to say FINALY!!!! I think I might be more excited for you than you are! this will change your world! wooo whooooo!!!!

    love YOU!!!!

    I wonder if people ever read my comments not knowing that we are "real life" friends and think "Oh, thats creepy that she always says I love you to Love Stitched"...

  19. definitely a macbook. first off, mac is just way better than any PC laptop... no viruses, so crashing, no problems. totally worth the extra money. between the ipad and the macbook, i would get the macbook... you can do ALL the same stuff on the macbook that you can on the ipad (plus WAY more) and the new macbook airs are basically as small and light as the ipads.

  20. I use a Dell laptop as my main computer. I don't even have a desktop at home. Just the laptop. I like it because it's still portable, but not as technologically advanced as everything else, you just run it like the good ol desktop and you're good to go.

  21. I looooove my iPad! Not only do I use it in place of my laptop or desktop most of the time when I'm home, but it's portable, so I bring it to work and use it as a planner and or for entertainment on the go! If you already have a desktop, it might be a fun and portable suppliment instead of getting a bulky laptop!

  22. MacBook Pro - they are not cheap but if you are looking to do a regular amount of daily work and have something that is easy, convenient, and light as a feather I suggest the MacBook Pro. The thing boots up in a heartbeat. Netbooks and the iPad seem like fun and I want to eventually get one myself but they don't seem to me like serious tools for all day work. I would never do design work on a Netbook...I want a 27inch screen!! I was a little leary of my husband buying our MacBook Pro on eBay. He lost a bunch of auctions and after researching some sellers decided to purchase direct. Even though on the surface it didn't seem much of a discount he was able to talk to the seller and get a bunch of software that he wanted loaded on there. It was top eBay seller with thousands of ratings.

  23. I MUST give a shout out to the Mac option. I love mine. In fact, if you ask me how many kids I have I might say 3. 1 boy, one girl, one MacBook Pro. My husband just got an iPad for Christmas and loves it, but it's NOT a computer. So if you want a computer, you gotta go with the Pro. If you just want something fun to tote around and play games and read books on. iPad's your man.

    Anyway, I'm working on my cheer for Macbook. But so far the cheerleading costume makes my thighs look super fat. So, it might have to be just the motions. So....get ready for that excellence!

    I LOVE technology. I'm maybe even a geek. I AM actually a geek. But on about 20,000 different levels.

    Okay. All this to say, MAC LOVES YOU BABY!!

  24. I love all things APPLE! It just depends on how deep your pocket book is..... I say you need a Mac Laptop! and then next is a iPad!

    I think the netbooks feel clunky and slow!

    and if you get an iphone or iPad you can use the square device to take credit card payments. check it out:


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