
Thursday, January 06, 2011

{{Tips}} and tricks on Eating Healthy

So how many of you have a goal to 
LOSE WEIGHT this new year?
Well today and tomorrow I am going to HELP you with a few little tricks and tips...

Today we will focus on EATING HEALTHY and tomorrow we will hit the EXERCISE tips :)

{for a healthier you or to lose weight}
* Drink half your weight in water*
~did you know that most people don't even drink more than 8oz in ONE day? so someone who is 120 pounds should be drinking 60oz of water a day. Research shows this not only hydrates you, makes your skin look healthier, but also makes you eat less through out the day~
~did you know that adding lemon to your water can help kill your cravings for sweets? Lemons carry the appetite suppressant squeeze that lemon into your eight glasses a day ;) ~

*Follow the 80/20 rule*
~ Eat organic, fresh, minimally processed foods 80% of the time. The other 20% is where you can enjoy a treat and eat what you want. This well help you stay on the "wagon" and not feel deprived of foods and give up~

*Eat less carbs*
~you can easily save yourself 160 calories at lunch by swapping out your burger bun or sandwich bread for a lettuce wrapped turkey burger or sandwich. Having spaghetti for dinner? switch out regular noodles for fun and tasty spaghetti squash~

*Brighten the lights*
~sounds funny right? research shows you eat less if you can SEE what you're skip the dark rooms and dim lights and open those windows and turn on those lights~

*Cut the soda*
~I'm not going to lie...this is NOT for me...I MUST have my diet Coke or diet cherry Pepsi..but for those of you who have a goal to cut the is a little trick : sometimes it's just the carbonation that is satisfying...if so swap it out for soda water or ginger ale...same bubbles...but healthy~

*Eat ALL day long*
~ ummm the goal is to LOSE weight right? why would I eat all day? WELL, if you are starving come meal time you are more likely to eat way more than you should or wanted to. If you eat 5 small meals a day you end up eating way less over all and in turn losing weight~
~if you can eat an afternoon snack with protein and fiber that is LESS than 200 calories it keeps you fuller longer and you eat WAY less come dinner time~

*Satisfy your taste buds*
~if you are craving something it means your body is most likely needing something...but go ahead and give in just do it in moderation...
If you are craving chocolate have a small piece of Dark Chocolate
If you are craving french fries grab a bad of bakes salt and vinegar chips~
*Eat ALL day long*
~ ummm the goal is to LOSE weight right? why would I eat all day? WELL, if you are starving come meal time you are more likely to eat way more than you should or wanted to. If you eat 5 small meals a day you end up eating way less over all and in turn losing weight~
~if you can eat an afternoon snack with protein and fiber that is LESS than 200 calories it keeps you fuller longer and you eat WAY less come dinner time~ 
"Our bodies function at their best when we are eating every 2-3 hours, so even if you don't have time for a full meal there's always time for a quick snack." - Ashley Howard {fitness expert}

~Half of an avocado with a squeeze of lemon juice salt and pepper.
~Steamed broccoli, with a drizzle of olive oil and salt.
~Two rice cakes with 1tsp. of almond butter, or peanut butter in between them.
~1 medium apple cored and drizzled with 2 tsp. of peanut butter.
~Celery with peanut butter.
~1 handful of almonds, or cashews.
~Hummus with vegetables
~String Cheese
~Whole Wheat crackers
~2 Hard boiled eggs
~Slices of Turkey Meat
~Greek Yogurt
~Sliced Cucumbers
~Protein Shake
~small cup of low fat cottage cheese {great PM snack since it is full of the protein CASEIN which keeps you sleep and burn fat}
 ~Fresh berries

So go ahead and START healthy....feel better!
**Please note : I am not a health expert these are all tips, tricks and advice from experts. Most info was collected from and usweekly magazine and based on my personal experience with trying to eat healthy**


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i'm going to be putting lemon in my water, i drink a lot of water, but i'm going to up my intake!!
    avocado with some s&p and lemon squirted on it, is the BEST!!
    I like the 80/20 rule, thanks for the great tips!!

  3. Great tips thanks!! I KNOW I don't drink enough water... Sharing on twitter! :)

  4. thanks for the tips :) I am going to share it on my FB page!

    I also love putting cucumber slices in my water, to give it some extra flavor, orange slices and limes work too!

    If people don't have time to cook, cooking light has 2 cookbooks in their Fresh Food Fast cookbook series, that are almost all 15 minutes or less meals that are healthy! My hubby has given most of them his seal of approval, and he HATES healthy food! I'm having a giveaway for one of them on my blog- if you don't already have it, you're welcome to enter!

  5. On a daily basis I put LEMON in my DIET COKE....that counts as good, right?


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