
Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Fall is my FAVORITE season by far! I love SO many things about it...
some of my favorite things about fall are : 
being able to bundle up in sweaters and boots
taking pictures of all the beautiful colors of the trees
School starts! (i love to see all the kids walking home from school with their backpacks that are two sizes to big)
and COOKING I love to make homemade soups, roasted chicken
ohhh and I can't forget about this one : I LOVE to go camping and bring one of my DUTCH OVENS to cook great meals all bundled up - up in the mountains!
what do YOU love about fall? 


  1. I love hot tea, apple cider, quilts, the crisp air and crunchy leaves... sigh... I love autumn so much!! :)

  2. I love hot chocolate, apple cider, make soups and chilis all the time, and fairs!

  3. I LOVE.... (and these are in no particular order)...

    ~ New/returning TV shows
    ~Bonfires - we have them often in Fall
    ~ Temperature of Fall is perfect for me as i don't like heat but love the coolness and if needed can bundle up with a sweatshirt
    ~Color of fall ... love all the yellows, oranges, reds...
    ~Halloween - my FAV holiday ~ and hayrides, and haunted walks, and preparing the individual treat bags for Trick or Treaters, and hosting a family/friend Halloween potluck where we all get together, eat, drink, the kids all get their costumes on together and go in a big group around the neighborhood only to return back to our house to claim their space in the living room to dump their goodies and sort through it all
    ~Pumpkin... pie, bars, cookies
    ~Apples... orchards, pies, and just darn good for eating
    ~Camping is the best in the fall
    ~raking of the leaves, reraking, and reraking again...
    ~smell of the crisp air

    I am sure I left something out!

  4. I love it all! The smells (bonfires, apple cider, the air in general), the sounds (crunching leaves, football games), the sights (the leaves, of course), the temperatures ~ EVERYTHING!

  5. The smell, wearing jeans again, wearing tights (they're like sweaters for your legs!), and the pretty colors everywhere!

  6. Dressing up in layers,feeling all warm and cosy in the cold!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE to hear from you I always read each and every one of them. :) If you ask a question I will try answer back through email if it is attached to your profile, as always email is the best way to reach me! :)