
Monday, September 13, 2010

Where have YOU Lived? {{ tutorial }}

For some reason I feel that My husband and I have MOVED a lot in the small amount of time we have been married....
oh ya....CAUSE WE HAVE!!!!
FOUR places in just over 3 years
{That's not even counting the TEN Times I moved from newborn to 18...then the FOUR times I moved before I was married  :-0 
I should take out stock in home depot's moving boxes!!!}
I have always wanted a way to display our "homes" and to remind me of the places we have lived...but hanging pictures of our homes seemed kinda cluttered to me....
So I decided to FRAME all our keys from ALL our HOMES!

And don't worry I'll show you how I did it so if you are a "MOVER" like we are, you can display all your many homes too :)
you will need:
Frame with glass
spray glue
spray paint
fabric (i used burlap)
straight pin
printed addresses (i used the cities we have lived in but you could do the actual house numbers too)
straight pins

How to:
start off by spray painting your keys in the color of your choice
{I used flat black}
while those are drying....
spray your glue right onto your glass
lay your fabric on top of it and press firmly
flip the glass over and trim around the fabric and glass
put it back in the frame
(fabric side showing - not the glass)
place your keys where you would like them on the fabric
{using your spray glue spray the back of the key and press it firmly onto the fabric - you can use a straight pin to hold it on if you'd rather}
 I used the straight pins to hold my paper onto the frame
 and now you have a beautiful classy way to display all the great places you have lived! many times have YOU moved?
click HERE To see all the great blogs I am linking this tutorial up to :)
oh ya and this one : 

This tutorial is brought to you by my wonderful sponsor :


  1. That's a cute idea! It's funny that you lived in thousand oaks too.... I grew up in Simi Valley. So from birth to age 21 I lived there then we all moved to Tooele, UT where my bro was living and have moved twice in town since then. The last two weren't so bad but I HATE moving out state...maybe that's because after 21 yrs we had A LOT of stuff!

  2. Thats a cute idea!

    Not so sure it would work for us! We've been married for 3.5 years, and we're in our 5th place.. with many more to come.. Army moves suck. HOOAH

  3. That is such a great idea! I wish I would have thought of this and kept all of our keys. (We have moved 11 times in 7 years!!) I guess I could just use any key and still use your idea...I would just need a frame 3 times larger! :)

  4. Adorable....but I HATE that your TO key is now so far at the begining. MISS YOU MUCHO!

  5. I had a key card for an apartment once.. how would you display that? :)

  6. I feel so rooted! I have not moved much at all, unless you count the times I lived in a tent.
    But I do like keys.

  7. I love this idea! We've moved a ton too. Since I got married 6 years ago, we've moved 6 times! I think we're staying put though now. I now wish I'd kept all my keys.

  8. ohh i love this idea. I keep all the keys to my old homes too :)

  9. This is the cutest idea!! I love it. Now I'm kicking myself because I have no idea where all my old keys are :) Since we have been married (9 years), I have moved 10 times!!Before I was married, 4 times! When I do this project, I will have to buy an 11x14 frame to fit all my keys!! Thanks for another darling tutorial!

  10. 9 moves in 7 years of marriage. I am grateful to see I am not the only one who is used to living out of boxes. Hopefully we are staying put for a while though. This is an adorable idea; right up my alley. It is like a badge of honor to show just what we are capable of enduring and that no matter where we go we can rebuild and find happiness.

  11. I can't believe you saved all the keys and knew which house they went to! What a great idea you did with them.

  12. What a great remembrance of all the places you have lived!
    check out my giveaway!

  13. This is a fantastic idea! We are Air Force so many more moves to come. Great idea!

  14. That's a fun idea - but I'd have to have a few frames. We've moved 12 times in 24 years! We lived in one place for 10 years, so imagine how much we moved when you take that out of the equation!

  15. How stinkin' cute!!! I'm going to have to find some old house keys!

    Stopping by from Motivate Me Monday!

  16. Isn't this a project done first by ?

  17. This is SERIOUSLY genius!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!

  18. anonymous - I am sure I am not the first person to have EVER framed keys...but this ideas was my very own and if another blog has also done it then great :) It never hurts to have more than ONE tutorial out there on how to frame keys!


  19. Really cute idea! Jenn ( Would be such a cute gift for someone who's feeling sad about moving.

  20. Brittany, this is super cool!! Off to share this fun project with my sis!

  21. such a cute idea! I wish I'd saved the keys from all of our previous homes to do this!
    We've lived in 6 places in the last 11 years- two of those stints in a rental for only a month while we waited for the next place to become available! :( ugh. Hopefully our current place is our forever home! I found you through A Silly Little Sparrow. Thanks for sharing this great idea!

  22. Just found your blog through links.. Loving that key display. So cute. If you ever need new recipes or want to share your own recipe email us!
    We also do envy my finds- which is any type of craft or something you got on sale.
    and the other is we feature kitchens so if any of these appeal to you email us and will feature you.
    new follower too

  23. Lovely idea. What a great memory (and decor!).

  24. What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing!

  25. I love this idea! Now if only I could track down my old keys!! Still loving my necklace! :)

  26. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

  27. I love this idea!!

    I could fill an entire wall with the amount of times I've moved if I had ever thought to save keys. ;)

  28. A cool way to remember were ya been! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  29. Such a cute idea! We have saved all of our license plated from each state. Not sure what to do with them next....

  30. Really cute idea! I wish I'd kept all our keys now from our 5 places in 7 years! I'm featuring you tomorrow on our Sunday Spotlight.

  31. fantastic idea!!! We've lived in 11 places in 5 years, but I'm still doing this!

  32. We moved a lot when we were first married - 4 places in 4 yrs, but are finally in 1 place for good. What a great way to remember each one. Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday.

  33. Too bad I don't have all my keys - this is such a great idea! I love how you executed it, so cute!!!

  34. Well I probably have a lot of you topped. I moved 18 times in the first nine years of marriage! I actually moved six times before I married, 18 times in the first nine years of marriage. Then three more times after that. Whew, that sure would be a lot of keys! Wish I had thought of keeping them.

  35. This is so cute! We've been married 15 years and lived in...hold on, I'm thinking...11 places. James Bond is Army, and we have many moves ahead of us still. I think I'll need a REALLY large frame and have to leave loads of space. :)

  36. That is such a cute idea - I'm heartbroken now that we've tossed all our old keys!!!

  37. Love this! I found this through Be Different...Act Normal. Now I am a follower of your cute blog! :)

  38. featured this awesome idea on my blog today!

  39. Such a cute idea for all of our home keys. Thanks for sharing!!!


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