
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

A glance into my....

It's Jessica's
What's on my PHONE

weekly link up party!

Remember the last time I linked up all my pure random awesomeness...well if you though THAT was good just wait for these pics :)
 What can I say...I LOVE my BIG over-sized sunglasses!
They make my chubby cheeks not look SO chubby ;)
 Sunsets make me feel happy :)

This would be my CHEESE-BALL self in the bathroom at a gas station on our way to CALIFORNIA last week!
I was lookin pretty SPECIAL ;)
 So I down loaded the HIPSTAMATIC app on my iPhone Cause 
The HUSSY told me it was cool and make all her pics look better
 I think it just make me look like a green alien...
So sometimes the Hussy lies...but it's ok we still love her
*although it did make our toes look kinda cute*
We stayed at my aunts house over thanksgiving and got to meet her pet "Bob" 
Try walking up to that thing in the middle of the night and trying not to pee your pants in fright :-/
 No words needed...LOVED this movie - I want to become a burlesque dancer now!
Who's with me?? anyone anyone?
Yup yours truly with my Daddy-o circa 1980's 

YES I was one of THOSE people that people take pictures of at the gas station and post on facebook saying "look at this idiot with socks on and sandals"
BUT it was FREEZING and I couldn't find my UGGS!
 Children cover your eyes...
I think me and the HUBS had a little TOO much fun at walmart :) 
 And lastly the only thing that gets me Gets me going at 7am on a "work day" 
Good old 
oh wait this is caffeine free...
no wonder I didn't feel any perkier
p.s. - I must love you cause that is TWO no make up pictures I showed you this post!
R U feeling the love? 
You should!

So who wants to join me and share what's on their phone?
If so LINK  UP over at Jessica's blog!!!


  1. Too funny!!! I think I'll go link up! :)

  2. I love oversize glasses too!

    I totally should turn one of the bobcats that jump fence into a rug!

    So want to see burlesque!

    I'm a Dr. Pepper girl my self and I can't do diet anything!

  3. Too cute! Love the big sunglasses. You are beautiful!

  4. Mmm...Diet Coke. A Mormon girl's crack:) I can't wait to see Burlesque! I'm a little bummed that Dita Von Teese wasn't in it, but still...

  5. You are beautiful without makeup! Im jealous >.>
    LMFAO the santa sack I can see my amore doin..dorks i tell ya lol *cough* (no pun intended there..)lol
    and I would sooo be a burlesque dancer..

  6. YES! I'm in. TOTALLY. Let's get our Burlesque on, though I'm way more of a singer.

  7. I REALLY like the blue stitched linen simple and beautiful! Lorie

  8. 1. the hussy NEVER Lies. maybe i AM a green alien in real life and my hipstamatic app covers up my identity. ever thought of that? sheesh.

    2. ur no makeup pictures are BEAU-timous. and i lol'd (and i never say that) at the bathroom cheese one. i think i'm gonna try that next time.

    3. i sported the sandaled socks just a few weeks ago. no shame.

    4. ur lover and his santa sack make me crave MY lover's santa sack. ok ok ok ...tmi...

    thanks for playing!!! ur GORGEOUS!!

  9. socks and sandals are better than feet with no toes that had to be cut off from frostbite. ;) you're cheeseball/no makeup days are my gussied up days..sigh, getting older blows.
    and i think we all now want a santa sack *wink*

  10. first off BIG over-sized sunglasses...di-tto!!
    secondly the HIPSTAMATIC is cool, embrace it.
    next burlesque it's pretty much my new life coach.
    the socks with sandles...i'll let it slide this time but don't let it happen again.
    and if I looked that good without makeup i'd never wear it....just sayin.

  11. you are gorgeous!
    i wanna see burlesque....(maybe if i can get the spelling of that down first)
    LOVE the big glasses.
    and i wish i looked as good as you on your no makeup days. my eyebrows and eyelashes turn invisible without any makeup on them. ugh.

  12. My fav it the pic of you in the bathroom where your hair is pure awesome!

  13. It's good to know that we aren't the only people that randomly walk around Wal-mart making a$$es out of ourselves. Good times!

    There's nothing chubby about your cheeks. ;)


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