
Monday, January 03, 2011

New Year = NEW ME!

I don't believe in New Year RESOLUTIONS!
Why you ask?
Because I NEVER follow through with them...
SO this year I am going to focus on a NEW ME rather than a "resolution"!

This new me also has to do with YOU...
How you ask?...well it is going to change up the blog a bit!

Lets start with ME before we jump into the BLOG shall we...
{yes selfish I know}

I want to focus more on being HEALTHY
{make better choices in what I eat...even though I am eating a bagel loaded with cream cheese as I write this....ooopppss can I start tomorrow?}

This includes starting a REGULAR work out ROUTINE!!
{gulp...what no more waking up and doing 30 sit ups once a month...hhhmmm this might be harder than I thought}

I want to feel GOOD about myself
{dress in what feels good to ME, Do my hair the way it makes me feel sexiest, Drink that diet coke because I am craving one, Do what FEELS GOOD TO ME - I tend to be my own worst critic and need to be NICER to myself!}

Have more BALANCE and ORGANIZATION in my life
{Instead of leaving that stack of bills piled up on my desk for weeks on end I will file them RIGHT AWAY, Instead of staying up for hours on end to get some emails answered I will answer a few here and there through out the day}
Take inspiration from my children and LAUGH more!
{lifes too short to take it so seriously....laugh at the little

Ok Ok now on to the BLOG...
So how does ALL this effect YOU and LOVE STITCHED...
Well I am glad you asked!

A few changes will be made 
1.) I will no longer be doing WEEKLY giveaways
Don't worry I will still have them but they will be less often but BIGGER AND BETTER giveaways!!
2.) I will start posting MORE personal items / glances into my life
*so hopefully you want to learn more about me and my life*
3.) I will include a post about WHAT I WEAR every once in a while :)
It's always fun to see what people are wearing and the good buys they can snag!!
4.) MORE tutorials!
I need to tap into my creative side more often and MAKE more and SHARE more!!!
5.) New items listed in the LOVE STITCHED shop!!!
*changes are items...lower shipping...more sales*

SO I hope you are all as excited as I am for the new year and NEW ME, NEW BLOG!!
Here's to YOU and 2011 
lets make it a GREAT YEAR!!


  1. EXCITING!!! I love your new changes...both to yourself (who doesn't like to feel good) and to your blog! 2011 is going to AWESOME!

  2. new year, new me, luv luv luv!! i hope we all have a great new year and new self in the process! being nice to ourselves, that's SO BIG for me!

  3. Hooray! I posted my new years resolutions today and they are similar to your new goals. I am excited that 2011 will be the best year ever, right?! As for posting outfits, I started a whole new blog about that, haha! And look for your little gray flower button on my outfit tomorrow.


  4. I LOVE the layout of your blog!!! :) I have blog envy!!! :) he he I love your outlook on the new year too with a new me instead of the resolutions!! Good luck to you, friend!!!


  5. That is awesome! It sounds like the perfect way to start the new year. That is what I am aiming for this year as well!

  6. I look forward to all this :) Love your blog! HUGS

  7. Sounds like it's going to be a fun year for you! I definitely need to get on the workout train myself. It's not even that I mind working out. I just get busy and forget.

    Ninth Street Notions

  8. Well I love the old you, so hope that counts for something! Can't wait to see the changes girlie. LOVE YOU!

  9. Happy 2011 Brittany!! Can't wait for the NEW! :)

  10. Happy New Year's friend! I love your blog just the way it is BUT I can't wait to read more posts about you and your life. But I think it might make me miss you more :)

    It was so great seeing you over the holidays and your stella rings were a HUGE hit with my friends! Thanks you ..thank you.
    Now, GO drink that Diet Coke girl!


Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE to hear from you I always read each and every one of them. :) If you ask a question I will try answer back through email if it is attached to your profile, as always email is the best way to reach me! :)